Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bremen (Bremerhaven), Germany

what will you remember most about a place that you've
having visited some thirty countries, here in this blog will be my attempt to gather all the memories that were stored in my heart and mind all these years.

i had a lot of fond memories of my time in Germany, i don't remember much about my time in Bremen except that it was the first time i see the snow. i spent the Christmas eve with my host family and playing with the kids at the backyard that was covered with snow. Lisseth and i were chasing after the kids on the sled being pulled by the father.
(the mother was watching us through the window with a brand new, 11 day old baby boy)
i remembered that their Christmas tree was lighted with real candle and it was lovely!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

my first winter

I spent one whole year in different parts of Europe.
It was Christmas when I arrived in Germany.
It was not a white Christmas but it snowed a few days later. That was my first winter. I was out on the roadwhen it began to snow. It was fascinating to watch the snowflakes drifting down from the sky. I was mesmerized. I remembered standing there looking up with my arms outstretched; it was magical. I must have stood there for a long time because I was sick in bed for days after that.

Monday, December 05, 2005

a touch of nostalgia

create your own visited country map

came across this website while blogging....not as accurate as i want it to be but oh well; for example: Russia, i've only been to Vladivostoc, southeast of Siberia; and Indonesia, the island of Sumatra.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

i got to start somewhere somehow right here right now.